Happy Valentine's Day! My kids had great fun polishing off this box of chocolates after the shoot. And I also want to say a very happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
The challenge was set on Two Peas to photograph the whole alphabet with objects from around the house. I had tons of fun taking part, and here is my version! It happened purely by luck that it starts and ends on a picture of my DS, who's preschool teachers will be getting a copy! Click on it to enlarge.
It was great meeting another family from home, and I had so fun photographing them. The kids were such stars, mr t. asking me so many clever questions about my backdrop and camera and flash, and his sister made the sweetest angel.
Mother, wife, photographer, crafter, scrapbooker, painter of murals, dabbler. Sometimes in that order, sometimes reversed! Trying to juggle all of them and having a ball in the process.